Prof. dr. Kristof Coussement
Professor at IÉSEG School of Management
Professor Coussement is a Full Professor of Marketing Analytics, Director of IÉSEG’s Expertise Center for Marketing Analytics, and Academic Director of the MSc. in Big Data Analytics for Business at IÉSEG School of Management (Lille|Paris, France) (EQUIS,AACSB,AMBA). He teaches several marketing courses including “Customer Relationship Management” and “Database Marketing” in which participants are taught the theoretical principles of all aspects in operational and analytical CRM and the methodological foundations of predictive marketing modeling. His main research interests are all aspects in Customer Intelligence and Social Media & Online Community Intelligence using data- and text-mining techniques. He has published in international peer-reviewed journals like Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, International Journal of Information Management, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Expert Systems with Applications, Knowledge-based Systems, among others. Improving his ‘practical’ experience over the years by doing several real-life projects in a different number of industries, his main focus lies on doing profound academic research with a high-added value to business.